Thursday, June 20, 2013

19th & 20th June

I spent all of yesterday studying version control systems and took a tutorial on Git.

Git is one of many version control systems (another being CVS).

The tutorial taught me several basic commands, but I still felt like something is missing. I just know basic commands and the idea of Git; I'm not quite sure how I'm going to implement it on Github and on my project just now.

Also, following up on Prateek sir's ideas on how the flow and layout of pages could be, I drew a flowchart algorithm describing the flow and sequence of events for first-time and non-first-time user visits to the application.

Today started with a bang. LinkedIn's developer website is not opening here, because of which all my API calls are failing, rendering my webpages nothing short of 'useless'. The LinkedIn login functionality has vanished, so there's no moving forward until it comes back. The errors while attempting to open hints that NCR may have blocked the website.
We've posted an incident, hoping the issue gets fixed soon.

Meanwhile, Manbir's search page as well as algorithm needs to be refined. If I'm not doing anything else and he too is busy, might as well work on it...

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